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The application of Europe’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) for the maritime sector was approved in April by the Council of the European Union.

The introduction of this compliance-based carbon cost to the maritime sector means that shipping lines, including Nirint Shipping, will need to buy emission rights to cover the CO2 emissions by the vessels each year. ETS will start as from 1st January 2024 and Nirint is preparing it’s system to ensure timely readiness.

What is EU ETS ? (Emissions Trading System)

The ETS is the cornerstone of the EU’s policy to combat climate change and it is a key tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As part of the EU Commission’s ‘FIT for 55’package the shipping industry is included in the ETS as from 2024. The ETS will be implemented on a 3-year-phase period as follows:

  • 40% in 2024
  • 70% in 2025 
  • 100% in 2026

Sailings between EU and non EU countries will be liable for the purchase of emission rights. How many emission rights and their costs are unknown at this moment, however, we request you to keep in mind that for shipments in 2024 transport costs may increase due to the obligation to buy the emission rights.

We keep you at a regular bases posted about the operational and financial consequences of the ETS.

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